The Evolution of African Male Fashion

Men’s fashion is making a huge comeback this season, thanks to the resurgence of the 1980s. This means that men are embracing their inner Strangers Things and going all out with the new afro-centric styles. But while men’s fashion from previous decades has had a massive impact on today’s menswear, there are also some very modern ways to style your guy look for maximum impact. Men’s African fashion has seen an explosion of popularity in recent years as more and more people around the world embrace different cultures and traditions.

What Does African Fashion Look Like?

The stereotypical image of African fashion is that it’s made up of colourful patterned fabrics, large florals, bold geometric designs, and lots of cultural accessories like turbans, head wraps, and shawls. While this is true for some African styles, there are many variations that incorporate different colours, patterns, fabrics, and accessories. Both men and women in Africa wear long flowing robes and tunics, but there are some obvious differences in how these styles are worn. The most obvious way to tell the difference between male and female African fashion is that men typically wear looser, longer shirts with larger sleeves, while women’s styles are more fitted and are made of lighter fabric.

How to Incorporate African Fashion into Your Style

There are many ways to incorporate African fashion into your style, but you need to be careful not to go overboard. Since this type of fashion is so bold and eye-catching, it’s easy to risk looking tacky or overly flashy if you don’t know what you’re doing. To make sure that you look good and aren’t overdoing it, keep these tips in mind.

- Match your fabrics - The most important thing when styling with African fabrics is making sure that the fabrics match. You don’t want to mix different types of fabrics together as this is a big style mistake. Instead, make sure that your fabrics are consistent and match each other. This applies to both accessories and clothing.

- Mix and match - While it’s important to make sure that your fabrics match, there’s no reason that you can’t mix and match different pieces of African clothing together. This is actually a really popular way of styling African clothing. Just make sure that you’re not mixing different fabrics together.

Men's Shorts

Shorts are a staple for any guy’s wardrobe, but many guys are hesitant to wear them because they’re afraid of looking like they’re on the wrong side of 40. Wearing baggy, long shorts make you look like your mom brought you to the beach while wearing short shorts make you look like you’re on the wrong side of jail. That’s why you need African-inspired shorts. These are shorter in length, but they’re looser fitting and made from bold fabrics like African print and bold geometric designs.

Men's Wraps and Scarves

Wraps and scarves are great accessories for men of all ages, but they’re a great way to incorporate African fashion into your style. The best part is that they come in a variety of fabrics and styles, so you can match your wraps and scarves to just about any outfit. For African-inspired wraps and scarves, look for bold fabrics like African prints, geometric designs, and florals. Alternatively, you can also look for smaller designs like zig-zags or polka dots.

Men's Turbans

The African turban is an ancient and sophisticated form of the headwear that has been worn for thousands of years. While it’s true that men have worn turbans for centuries, it’s also true that they’ve emerged as a very modern fashion accessory that you can use to style your look. You can use turbans to add bold African touches to your outfit or use them to tie together a more subtle outfit. The great thing about turbans is that there are many different styles to choose from. You can find turbans made from fabrics, wool, and even leather. There are many ways to tie a turban, but the most common one is the turban wrap. It’s a very simple style that is easy to master and looks great on any guy. For the turban wrap, make sure that your turban is long enough to wrap around your head.

Men's Shirts and Tops

Shirts and tops are another great way to incorporate African fashion into your style. When shopping for these items, look for fabrics like African print, bold geometric designs, and even florals. The great thing about these fabrics is that they come in a variety of colours, so you can mix and match them with other bold designs. For long shirts and tops, try to stay away from baggy styles as they make you look like you’re wearing a dress. You want your tops to be somewhat fitted so that you can pair them with athletic or casual pants. For short-sleeved shirts, African prints are a great option.

Final Words

At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that African fashion is not a trend. It’s a long-standing and ancient way of dressing that has been worn for thousands of years. While there are modern variations of this style, you still need to be careful not to go overboard.