Fashion Trends and Influences in the 1960s
The 1960s were a time of change, innovation and inspiration. The post-war era saw the birth of the sexual revolution, space race, civil rights movement and youth culture. Fashion trends in the 1960s were influenced by all these factors and more. This was a time of revolutionary fashion. From bell-bottomed jeans to psychedelic prints, there are many unique and interesting trends in the world of fashion at that time. Take a look at these articles to find out more about key trends from the 1960s and their impact on fashion today.
The Most Influential Fashion Designers of the 1960s
The 1960s were quite a turbulent time for the world, with political tensions rising and new ideas about equality and feminism emerging. In the sphere of fashion, this led to a sense that anything could happen. Designers expressed themselves…
1910Mary Quant and the Mini Skirt
Today, the spirit of Mary Quant can be found in almost every affordable clothing store. Her style continues to inspire modern designers, who still sell their updated versions of the same garments she popularized more than 50 years ago. Quant was…
19331960s Mod Fashion Trend for Men
Men’s fashion in the 1960s was marked by a rebellious spirit that led to an explosion of new subcultures and trends. Men’s fashion in the 1960s was characterized by its sharp contrasts, as different styles coexisted side-by-side. On one…
1610How Women Wore the Hippie Style in the 1960s
When we think of the counterculture movement of the 1960s, our minds immediately go to peace, love, and flowers. But there was much more to this era than just flower crowns and peace signs. Many women around the world found inspiration in…
1575Space Age Fashion in the 1960s
The Space Race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union was in full force as the 1960s began, and each side wanted to prove its superiority in every way possible. This included competing with each other on fashion as well as technology, but what…
1535The Peacock Revolution in Menswear of the 1960s
The peacock revolution, also known as the New Look, was a period of menswear in the 1960s that inspired a movement among men to return to their masculinity and ditch the feminine fashions of the time. The Peacock Revolution began with the rise…
1005The Rise of Trousers for Women in the 1960s
The 1960s was a time of free and bohemian living. Men and women rejected the uniform look of the previous decade and began to embrace their own personal style. People didn’t just dress differently, they began to live differently too. Women no…
1031Surf Style for Men in the 1960s
Throughout the 20th century, men’s fashions continued to change. In the 1960s, men often had narrower trousers with an emphasis on a new, longer style of jacket called the beatnik or Ivy. These changes in fashion often reflected a change in…
942The Effect of Hippie Counterculture on 1960s Fashion
When you think of the 1960s, you probably think of The Beatles, mini-skirt, and peace signs. Retro fashion is part of what made the sixties so iconic, but how did it develop? The answer lies in the hippie counterculture movement that grew from a…
839The Influence of Pop Music on 1960s Fashion
The influence of pop music on fashion in the 1960s has been well documented. The Beatles, and other popular bands at the time, had a profound effect on how men and women dressed. The way people dressed was influenced by many factors: economic…
Some of the Biggest Selling Acts in the Seventies
In the 1970s, punk and New Wave began to shift the emphasis away from long-haired, heavy-rock acts. And while there were still plenty of stadium rockers and glam bands around, a new breed of…